Friday, July 11, 2014

wo sha

it feels like ages i dont write something in this blog
today i just feel there is something that i need to write becoz im not quit good in sharing stories in face-to-face.
"im not that strong, i might fall to the same hole"
"am i to kind? or i just me always trying to impress someone?"
"i might fall to other people, i say it cause im human"

my life may not become that difficult if she say "yes" long ago..
now im completely confuse what to do, im deciding not looking to anyone any more,
now im just lost, lost of justify my decision, lost of all the memories that i always what to remain in my gyri long ago, lost of hope, lost of believing myself..

im just dont know what to do.
long ago, im running away from all the questions, and now it comes back, and i dont have the answers..  

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

now or never??

should or shouldn't i?? 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

past and present

i may getting slow with blogging, busy maybe, haha
i'm not in a good mood lately, to much thinking about past..
maybe i should forget all the past and live in present..
almost every night i keep thinking about what already happen, and sometimes i feel very bad about it
-take a deep breath, forget everything that had happen and reconstruct your eeman back-
-the path to HIM are always difficult but it never mean impossible, right?-

Monday, December 17, 2012


bahasa: ikatan, simpulan,saling memerlukan
Ibarat orng buta dgn tongkatnya.....kedua2nya saling memerlukan

Istilah : kepercayaan dan keyakinan yg kuat kepada Allah

Ciri2 akidah
1. ma'rifatullah ( mengenali Allah )
- tauhid uluhiyyah ( yakin bahawa Allah sahaja tuhan yg berhak disembah, WAJIB disembah
- tauhid rububiyyah ( yakin bahawa Allah adalah tuhan pencipta alam
- tauhid asma' wa sifat ( yakin dengan sifat2 kesempurnaan Allah
- apa yg dapat disimpulkan disini, ilmu tauhid ini sgt2 penting2..mengajak kita kepada
mengenal pencipta kita

2. ma'rifat Ar risalah ( mengenali kerasulan nabi Muhammad )
- kita percaya rasul2 yg dipilih oleh allah
- nabi adalah pendakwah 24 jam.....kita???

3. ma'rifat Al Ghaibiat ( kenal perkara ghaib )
- dosa, pahala, syurga, neraka

4. ma'rifat al bathi' ( kenal hari kebangkitan )
-sebagai renungan, andai kata kita dimatikan pada malam ni, di mana tempat kita di akhirat

Sirah dan akidah
1. nabi Muhammad
- diuji dengan bermacam2, dibaling batu,tahi, diberi tawaran pangkat

2. mus'ab bin umair
- mak dia tahu keislaman musab, lantas xdiberi makanan

3.bilal bin rabah

4. keluarga Yasser

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


i'm try to reduce my words because it seem to make more people uneasy.. the atmosphere is totally different now, i could feel i'm the lowest piority towards others.. maybe it is true that i'm becoming selfish..

hardly to mention others that i've try my best not to be that, but nobody lovely to hear that, the spece still empty.. i just could hear the voice of myself..

sometimes, i could feel that my absent is just to entertain them.. my voice, idea, and feeling seem useless to them..
it's true i always said"oke" but deep inside God knows..

past design me to be like this.. unbalance of emotion.. mix up together..
mouth could be hard to speak but writing make it more easier


sering melihat hnya pada kejayaan dan kemegahan.. itulah yg sering menjadi satu titik ukurn pada insan, padahal kita telah lupa, apakh sbnrnya ukurn sebenar pada seseorng insan... betapa butanya mata kita untuk melihat erti pada sebuah ikatan sesama manusia pada hari ini perkataan sahabat adalh sukar bg ku untuk mentafsirkn lg, ak seakan tidak merasai lg erti sebuah persahabtn, prshabatn dahulu masih lg kuimpikn.. tidak mengenal siapa,status, malah rupa.. hati msing2 cuba dijaga rapi.. dikala terhembur prktan mnguris hati segera meminta maaf dan sedar akn kesalahn.. sebuah ikatan sahabt yg hnya dilandaskn pada ilahi.. mungkn diri ini suka berahsia masalh dn tidak pndai beramah adlh stu pnyebab ak disisihkn.. atau ni hnya perasaan..